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Experience Community

You need somebody and somebody needs you. You were made to experience life with others. Sharing life amongst a community of people that love, care and support each other is an incredible experience - and an experience that we wish for you.

Come As You Are

Attending a church for the first time can make you feel nervous, if not a little intimidated. “Will they accept me? … I know very little about the Bible … I think God exists, but I have my doubts”. We get all that! So, here are a few thoughts that might help break the ice …

At Kellyville, we are all on a journey, but at different places.

However, most of us have this internal thought that “I have the potential to be more!”
With that idea in mind we try hard to create a ‘come-as-you-are’ culture – a place where people are authentic and accepting.
We welcome everyone wherever they may find themselves on their journey.

Acceptance is critical to this, and we desire Kellyville.Church to be a centre for growth for every person that attends: wherever ‘here’ is for you, we hope to walk along side of you to get ‘there’ and beyond!

So where to now? God is for you. In our world of job reviews, Monday morning peak-hour, TV vote-to-win competitions, and talking heads; it’s hard to believe that someone loves you simply because you’re you. Until we grasp that God is for us (He is good, loves us, wants only the best for us…), we will be very prone to running and hiding, never feeling like we measure up.

We get that in a world filled with evil, suffering, pain and abandonment it is hard to embrace a good God who is in control of life. Doubt is ok, and even welcome as an inevitable part of the journey with God. Let’s explore that together based on what we find in the Bible.

So should you decide to give us a shot – a warm welcome awaits you! You definitely won’t find a ‘perfect’ church – and definitely no perfect people – but hopefully you’ll find a place that feels like home where we can connect, love and grow together.


How will I go meeting people?

One of the key fears anyone might have in visiting a church is how will they go meeting new people. We try to make that process as enjoyable, fun and painless as possible! We guarantee you will be greeted by one of our friendly volunteers, but can also assure you that you can engage with others as much or as little as you want. Sneak in the back and keep a low profile, or freely engage with others while waiting for a refreshment from our coffee cart (let us know you’re visiting and you’ll get a fast pass to the front of the line). We’re average everyday people who generally like to chat about the same things you do!

Can I check out one of your services before I choose to visit?

Absolutely! This is a great way to get to know what to expect before visiting in person - although we do maintain it is much better in-person than on video as you won’t get to experience our awesome hospitality! Check out our livestream on Facebook or YouTube, or watch on-demand one of our recent programs right here on our website.

What’s different about Kellyville.Church?

We are a community that values doing things together. While we still have programs and events that focus on specific areas of our community, our overall and guiding philosophy is that we want to grow together in Jesus. So we are proudly multi-generational in our approach. We have developed a culture that welcomes, empowers, and engages teenagers and young adults - as well as a keen focus on the 4 - 14 age window where our kids often make decisions that impact their lives, particularly as it relates to their relationship with Jesus.

This culture impacts how we approach worship. Each weekend our theme/topic for the day is echoed throughout all age groups, from the kids activity packs we provide during worship, to the stories, games and crafts enjoyed by older kids, to the group discussions and conversations we have in teens, youth and adults. We are all on the same page.

This takes a lot of work from our team, but it is a work we value highly and are strongly committed to, for the benefit of all in our community.

What can I wear?

Come as you are – be who you are! (casual dress style, shorts, flip-flops, jeans, business casual, ties, t-shirts – you’ll find it all). We want you to feel comfortable. Smart casual would be the majority dress style.

Times and location?

10am for our Worship service. 11.30am for Connect Groups (Teen/Youth/Adult discussion groups) and Children’s age specific groups. You can of course leave any time you wish. You will find us at 2-4 Gum Nut Close, North Kellyville, sharing the campus of Hills Adventist College.

How long are the services?

Our Saturday worship service will run for 60-70 minutes, with 30 minutes after the service for a refreshment break, drinks and snacks. Drop by our welcome desk and we’ll make sure you jump right to the front of the refreshment line where our barista’s will serve you straight away.

What do you do?

A typical service will have some singing and music lead by a worship team, some creative features, a greeting, an opportunity to give (you are free to choose whether you give or not). It will also include some relevant teaching from the Bible focused on Jesus’ life and how to live our lives to the fullest. We may also feature some relevant video. It’s casual and relaxed.

What about my kids?

Unlike most other churches who run a kids program through the church worship time, we love to include kids in our worship experience and do church together. We love kids, and they are more than welcome. Grab an activity pack as you enter which will also match the worship theme for the day, so you can talk about your experience together after.

We have specific age appropriate children’s programs from 11.30am which feature activities, crafts, stories, and fun! After worship, there’s multiple playgrounds to explore and then dedicated kids programs with both active and learning activities they are sure to enjoy.

Outside of our worship times, there are numerous other programs, camping trips and social events for kids to get involved in.

What’s the music like?

We’ll feature contemporary music with a variety of different music styles and worship groups. You can check out some of our music videos here too.

Where do I sit?

Feel free to sit wherever you like - there are no set seats and are cushioned chairs are pretty comfy!

Do you have an audio loop?

Yes we do! If you have a compatible hearing aid our hearing loop will work well for you.

How accessible is your facility?

The venue complies with regulations and laws governing accessibility and the rights of persons with disabilities. Some of the venue’s accessibility features include:

  • Even and step-free access to every room

  • Accessibility ramps

  • Drop off point at front door

  • Wheelchair seating

  • Clear and intuitive circulation to key areas

  • Lowered water fountains

  • Accessible car parking spaces

  • Lift access to first floor

  • Wheelchair-accessible baby change facilities

  • Wheelchair and ambulant accessible restroom facilities for patrons

  • Guide dogs and other registered assistance dogs are welcome in all areas